Why taxes should be top of mind in the St. John's municipal election
There are big issues in the St. John's municipal election. CBC N.L. worked with the organization Happy City to explore some of those issues, in a series we're calling "What's Your Issue?" In Part 1, urban planner Justin Lee takes on taxation, and explains how taxes reflect a city's values.
Urban planner Justin Lee says taxes are an expression of our values, so you should consider them when you vote
Property taxes. They're a pain to pay, but we all use the services they pay for.
But more than that, urban planner Justin Lee says taxes are a reflection of a city's values. And that's why he thinks taxation should be a front-and-centre issue in the St. John's municipal election.
CBC worked with Happy City, a civic issues non-profit organization, to explore some of those ideas, in a series we're calling What's Your Issue?
In Part 1, Justin Lee takes on taxation and offers some questions you could pose to any candidates who come knocking at your door.
Click the video player above to check it out.