Woman who hit moose with car still can't remember
Seven months later, Michelle Higgins can't recall driving 40 kilometres after accident
A central Newfoundland woman, who drove for about 40 kilometres after crashing into a moose this spring, said she still can't recall being in the accident.

In May, Michelle Higgins was travelling east on the Trans-Canada Highway from Norris Arm to Gander when a moose suddenly appeared on the road. Higgins's car collided with the animal.
She had no memory of it happening at the time, and seven months later, the accident is still a blank in her mind.
All Higgins can remember is getting out of her car upon arriving at her destination in Gander, and her co-worker rushing over to her in a panic.
"She said, 'You're full of blood.' I said, 'What do you mean?' She said, 'You're full of blood, and look at your car,'" Higgins said.
'It's almost like I was on autopilot, and didn't know it.' —Michelle Higgins
"When I turned around and looked at my car, I was devastated, because there was no roof. The windshield was gone. Like, I couldn't believe it."
Higgins said she's still dumbfounded as to what happened that day.
"I still can't believe that I didn't brake, or I didn't swerve... and there's no marks on the road," she said.

The only evidence of the crash is the car, which had its windshield pushed into Higgins's lap; the roof peeled back, just shy of her head; and moose fur all over the inside of the vehicle – and even in her purse.
The moose was left by the road.
Higgins sustained spinal injuries and a concussion in the crash, and had to wear a neckbrace.Seven months later, Higgins is still recovering from those injuries. She has occasional dizziness and shoulder pain, despite months of physiotherapy.
While she can't remember the crash, the world has not forgotten. Her story went viral, landing news coverage from CNN to the U.K.'s Daily Mail, and spreading via email and Facebook.
"From New York, to China, to Paris, to all around Canada, there are people trying to add me on Facebook, from Sri Lanka – everywhere," she said.

Even though Higgins drives past the same spot where the accident occurred almost every day, it still hasn't jogged her memory.
"It drives me totally insane," she said.
After seeing doctors and obsessing about just what happened that day, Higgins does have one theory in mind.
"It's like my mind knows it's going to Gander... going to work, and it brought me there." she said.
"It's almost like I was on autopilot, and didn't know it."