2 rifles stolen from Yellowknife Canadian Tire
Rossi Ranch Hand, Chiappa Survival Series taken from locked display case
Two rifles were stolen from a locked case at Yellowknife's Canadian Tire on Monday evening, while the store was open.
The stolen rifles are a Rossi Ranch Hand, and a Chiappa Survival Series. RCMP say the theft was discovered the following day.

RCMP won't give any details about suspects, how the display was broken into, or the possibility of a surveillance video but Const. Elenore Sturko says police are "vigorously investigating" the theft.
RCMP did not immediately release information about the theft "for investigational reasons."
She says they don't want to alarm the public but Yellowknife residents should be vigilant about reporting any suspicious behaviour.
"Being vigilant just means keeping your eyes open, your ears open," she says.
"If you see anything that you think is unusual, or suspicious activity, please give us a call. Our job is to investigate. There's no harm in giving us a call if there's something unusual happening in your neighbourhood."
Anyone with information is asked to contact the Yellowknife RCMP at 867-669-1111 or contact Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, or visit www.nwtnutips.com.