Affordable housing part of latest Yukon government plans

The Yukon Government is promising to have at least 30 new affordable housing units available to rent in Whitehorse within 2 years.
The apartments are part of a major land offering open for tender Monday.
The tender comes as housing prices hit record highs and land availability is at a premium.
The new development is a four hectare lot at the intersection of Range Road and Mountainview Drive in the capital city.
The minister responsible for the Yukon Housing Corporation Brad Cathers says the successful bidder is expected to start construction next spring.
"By late next year we expect to see development on the site." He said. "We've allowed some flexibility to allow some more lucrative housing types than the affordable rental units but then we've got that hard and fast base requirement of at least 30 units of affordable rental housing on lot 262."
The lot is situated between two mobile home parks, but Cathers says mobile homes will not be allowed in the new development.
Tender packages are available on line and at the Yukon government lands branch after 10 Monday morning.
The deadline for submissions is April 27.