Air North appeals U.S. border services decision
Yukon's Air North is appealing a U.S. government decision that would quash proposed flights between Fairbanks, Alaska and Dawson City, Yukon.
The airline has partnered with the Holland America cruise ship company to fly tourists between Fairbanks and Dawson City instead of busing them. That would mean nine flights a week between the two communities during the summer.

But the U.S. Customs and Border Services has refused the proposal, saying it doesn't have enough staff at Fairbanks to process that many tourists crossing the border.
Air North president, Joe Sparling, says the increased demand would pay for itself with more tourists paying fees that would cover any costs incurred by the U.S. border service.
"We're pretty optimistic that the appeal will be pretty straightforward," he said. "The arithmetic... there's probably $150,000 in fees that are going to be paid by these travellers that are not being paid when they go by motor coach."
Holland America says the new air service would allow people to reach Dawson City from Fairbanks in an hour. Right now, it's a two-day bus ride.
Holland America has also filed its own appeal of the U.S. Customs and Border Services decision.