Hunters still oppose winter sealift and railway for Mary River mine near Pond Inlet, Nunavut
Inuit association wants a public hearing on the amendment in Pond Inlet

For several years, Baffinland Iron Mines has been trying to get permission for a railway and an extended shipping season for its Mary River mine — it's still trying and hunters in Pond Inlet, Nunavut, are still opposed.
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The mining company's most recent proposal to the Nunavut Planning Commission was closed for public comments at the beginning of October and respondents are still wary of both elements of the revised plan.

Both the hamlet and the Pond Inlet Hunters and Trappers Organization (HTO) say the proposed activities will negatively affect the wildlife in the area.
In its submission to the Nunavut Planning Commission, the HTO said the ice the company wishes to break is consistently in use by the community throughout those dark months.
It says the current level of shipping has already made the narwhal more scarce and it says it is worried about the effect on seals.
"They are our only food source and no one will give us other sources," the HTO said in its submission.
Last year, Baffinland abandoned its proposal to ship 10 months of the year due to community concerns, so now it is only looking to add the months of December, January and February to its shipping season.
However, WWF-Canada says it is concerned the proposal contains no limits on the type of cargo (freight, ore, or fuel) or the frequency of shipping. The HTO says it doesn't believe the extra time is necessary.
"If they planned well they would not have issues and they would not need to ship during the winter."
In regards to the railway, the HTO says that both people and caribou will have difficulty traversing the high embankments— up to 300 metres, according to WWF-Canada — that would need to be constructed to balance low areas and permafrost protection.
Public hearing in Pond Inlet
The Qikiqtani Inuit Association suggested holding a public hearing in Pond Inlet, because the amendment is significant enough to warrant more feedback than the current written submissions.
"Given the level of community and public concern expressed regarding the proposed amendment, it would be inappropriate for the Commissioners to make any final determinations without hearing directly from the residents of Pond Inlet," it said.
In its response to the submissions, Baffinland asks that should the Nunavut Planning Commission decide a public hearing is necessary, that it make the arrangements quickly and limit discussion to these plan amendments and directly affected entities.