Behchoko leaders plan to continue alcohol ban for another 30 days
Bulk application will eliminate gaps between prohibition orders, says Chief Clifford Daniels

Community leaders in Behchokǫ̀, N.W.T, are applying to extend their alcohol prohibitions for another month.
Chief Clifford Daniels said on Wednesday the community applied for three consecutive 10-day alcohol prohibition orders from Finance Minister Caroline Wawzonek. That would create a ban lasting until after the Canada Day long weekend.
"We're putting in the applications all at once, that way once one prohibition ends another one kicks in," Daniels said.
The community first brought in alcohol restrictions on May 9, in response to community concerns about drinking and COVID-19. That prohibition lasted until May 18. Another lasted from May 19 until May 28.
Those bans covered 25 kilometres from the sports complex, including Rae, Edzo and the Frank Channel, according to a notice posted by the Behchokǫ̀ community government.
After the second ban lifted this past weekend, people partied in town and were generally being unsafe, Daniels said, prompting the decision to request more extensions.
"We had some complaints about young people drinking, obviously we want to stop that," he said, adding community members support the ban, particularly young families.
Daniels expects to hear back from the territorial government in the next few days.
Behchokǫ̀ was a dry community until 2016, when residents voted in a plebiscite to allow alcohol in the community.