Behchoko RCMP make two alcohol seizures during temporary prohibition
Behchoko temporarily banned alcohol in the community on May 9

RCMP in Behchoko, N.W.T., have made two alcohol seizures since the community temporarily banned alcohol on May 9, according to a news release.
The first seizure took place at around 8:18 p.m. on May 12 when Behchoko RCMP "intercepted a vehicle in the community," says the release issued Tuesday. Police found 13 mickeys (375 ml bottles) of whiskey and vodka as well as a 750 ml bottle of vodka.
On May 13, Behchoko RCMP patrolling Highway 3 stopped a vehicle driving toward Behchoko. In it, they found 3.3 litres of liquor as well as 48 cans of beer.
Police say they are investigating the two incidents to determine whether the alcohol was meant for unlawful sale and that no charges have been laid yet.
In an email, RCMP spokesperson Julie Plourde wrote that no matter what comes of the investigation into the two seizures, the alcohol "will not be returned and it will be destroyed after a retention period."
She added that, "generally, seized alcohol is destroyed when it is in contravention of legislation."
Chief Clifford Daniels said Behchoko instituted a temporary prohibition on alcohol over concerns about an increase in alcohol-related incidents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Daniels said violating the prohibition can result in a fine.
The prohibition was set to expire May 18. In a text message Tuesday, Daniels said "We've made the application [to extend the prohibition] last week and nothing confirmed as of now."
"Behchoko RCMP will continue to support our partner agencies and community leaders on all efforts to address substance abuse and the harm it can bring," said Sgt. Ryan Plustwa, Behchoko RCMP detachment commander, in the news release. "We are committed to the safety of our community."