Cape Dorset petitions for long-awaited new power plant
South Baffin MLA David Joanasie tabled a petition in the Nunavut legislature Thursday, from his constituents in Cape Dorset, who are frustrated about their long wait for a new power plant.
The plan to build a new power plant in the community was approved in 2011, but Qulliq Energy has not yet found an appropriate location for it.

Joanasie told the legislature yesterday that no new housing has been built in the hamlet, because the new power plant hasn't been built yet. The current power plant was built in 1964.
Paul Okalik, the minister responsible for Qulliq Energy, told the legislature he's working with the hamlet council.
"We've gotten an update on the site. The site is too small and too steep for a power plant, so we can't use it," he said in Inuktitut. "They said they've found another spot so I've asked my colleague to take a look at it again."
Okalik said he'd push to have the power plant built and would ask "to work with the hamlet council again to figure this out."