Elders pass on Cree culture at Rites of Passage week in Chisasibi, Que.
Medicine, rites of passage, ceremonies and traditional cooking demonstrated in James Bay community

This week the James Bay community of Chisasibi, Que., held a Rites of Passage Cultural week, where elders passed on teachings to the youth.
The event, which wraps up March 25, was organized by the Chisasibi Heritage and Cultural Centre and many volunteers.
It was a chance for people to learn about Cree culture and traditions such as medicine, rites of passage for young boys and girls, ceremonies, and traditional cooking among others.
Elder Martha Tapiatic Pachano, 91, shared many teachings including how to make a baby rattle from a ptarmigan or partridge storage sac.
A ptarmigan's sac is very often used as a baby rattle. It is blown into, tied up and then hung to dry.

Minnie Shem taught traditional cooking and prepared delicacies, with ptarmigan, fish, beaver during the Rites of Passage.

James Bay Eeyou School high school students were brought in daily by their Cree language and Cree culture teachers to learn from the elders.

A traditional fashion show was organized for the Rites of Passage. The clothing will be cared for by the Chisasibi Heritage and Cultural Centre.

Elder Jane Matthew prepared unaanipitaahwaau, a cut of meat from the back of a moose or a caribou.