N.W.T. gov't announces COVID-19 vaccine clinic for next week for elderly in Yellowknife
Gov't expects to be able to offer vaccines to all 2,000 Yellowknifers over 60 by end of next week

The government of the Northwest Territories on Thursday said it will open 900 more spots at the COVID-19 vaccine clinics next week in Yellowknife to inoculate the city's priority population — people aged 60 years and older.
The government has been holding a COVID-19 vaccine clinic for people over 60 in the territory's capital this week, at which all 1,000 spots have been filled.
A government spokesperson said there are about 2,000 people over 60 in Yellowknife and the government expects to cover all of them who want it, by the end of next week.
The clinic next week will run Monday Jan. 25 to Thursday Jan. 28, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Yellowknife Multiplex DND Gymnasium.
People over 60 can book online right now, with the territory's new system, to make their appointments to get vaccinated at the clinics next week.