CRTC launches survey aimed at Northwestel, northern telecommunications industry
Nunavut customers getting increased bandwidth in November and December depending on which plan they have

The CRTC has launched a survey to hear Northerners' thoughts and feelings about the telecommunications industry, and in particular about one big player: Northwestel.
"The CRTC is seeking to better understand the state of telephone, wireless and internet services in the areas served by Northwestel," a statement from the commission earlier this month said.
"This will help determine whether more needs to be done to ensure Canadians living [in the North] have access to high-quality services at reasonable rates," it said.
The survey will help the commission assess Northwestel's quality of services, affordability and how to promote competition in the North's telecommunication market.
Customers of Northwestel can submit their comments before Jan. 20, 2021, in the following ways:
Online on the CRTC's website at the URL found by clicking here.
By mail addressed to the Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N2.
Or by fax to 819-994-0218.
Meanwhile, Northwestel contacted customers in Nunavut Nov. 26 to inform them that bandwidths would be increased by 35 to 50 gigabytes, depending on which plan they have, for the months of November and December.
The move comes in support of the territory's COVID-19 efforts.
- An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated that Northwestel announced a two-month unlimited bandwidth increase for the North.Nov 26, 2020 8:33 PM EST