Dominion Diamonds to start rehiring Tuesday after fire forced layoffs at Ekati
Dominion Diamonds says it's sticking by its word and will be rehiring the employees it laid off in June.
Plant should be back up and running by end of September

Dominion Diamonds says it's sticking by its word and will be rehiring the employees it laid off in June.
The mining company temporarily laid off about 300 workers from its Ekati diamond mine after a fire at a processing plant on June 23.
At the time, the company said it needed to save money while it closed down operations to repair the plant.
In a news release, CEO Brendan Bell said the plant should be back up and running by the end of the month.
It says it will be rehiring all of its laid off employees and contractors that were affected by the shutdown.
Bell said that rehiring will begin on Tuesday, with all employees expected back at work by the end of September.