Dream catcher cake maker says 'I'm not really a baker'
Jessie Cardinal doesn't call herself a baker but we beg to differ

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Take one look and you'd think it was made in a fancy bakery.
It wasn't.
This dream catcher cake is the creation of a loving mother, who simply wanted to make her daughter feel extra special on her 28th birthday.

"Every year I try to do something different," said Jessie Cardinal of Fort McMurray, Alta.
There's no doubt this one is different, and it took quite a bit of work to put it together.
"It's white cake with black piping and on the top part, it looks a dream catcher and in the middle there's a flower," said Cardinal. "There [are] nine cupcakes on the bottom and a feather on each one."
There's also a lot of fondant.
"I ended up buying the black fondant, and white, and that's the only fondant I could find at the time in Fort Mac."
You may think Cardinal is an expert baker, but if you ask her, she'll tell you something different.
"I'm not really a baker," she said.

But Cardinal does spend a lot of time working with ovens. She said she loves to make traditional food and even served over 3,000 pieces of bannock at the Athabasca Tribal Council gathering in Fort McMurray in August.
All of that, plus the beautiful cake, it's safe to say she is a baker. Many people on our CBC North Facebook recipe group agree.
Ashley Honsberger said, "So creative!" when she saw it posted in the group.
"Omg, that is so beautiful," posted MissElizabeth Ijjangiaq.
And Patricia Rapley said, "Amazing work on the "beadwork,'" — to which Cardinal replied, "Yes that was what I was trying to achieve."
The picture of the cake has now been shared over 1,500 times.

And while that certainly means a lot to Cardinal, there was only one person that she truly wanted to make smile when it was done: her daughter.
"She's the most amazing, kind-hearted, best cook, and most of all my best friend," said Cardinal's daughter Jerrika Yooya.
"I felt really special ... I know she worked hard making me that cake. It's very traditional and symbolizes the circle of life. She always makes me feel so loved and my parents both go above and beyond for me."
And that wasn't the only cake Jerrika got this year for her birthday.

Check out this cake her mom made for her 80's themed birthday party.
Just another one of those cakes that comes from the heart of a loving mother, and not a fancy bakery.