Fire hazard in N.W.T. and Yukon has officials urging campfire caution
Most territorial campgrounds opening Victoria Day weekend
Dry conditions in N.W.T. and Yukon have officials urging residents to be cautious when it comes to campfires this long weekend.
The N.W.T. Department of Environment and Natural Resources says conditions are especially dry in the Dehcho and North and South Slave regions, which were the hardest hit during last summer's record fire season.
Any forest fires triggered now "have the potential to exhibit high to extreme fire behaviour and could be difficult for crews to control," the department says.
It recommends not using open fires and to be extremely careful if using a campfire for cooking or warmth, watching for embers landing on grass on trees near the fire.

Make sure the fire is completely out and cold to the touch before leaving it.
Most campgrounds in N.W.T. will open this weekend but campers in the Beaufort-Delta region will have to wait until June 1.
Yukon also dry
In Yukon, the forecast is calling for a hot and dry weekend with some chance of lightning and officials there are also calling for caution with campfires.
The territory is already fighting its first wildfire of the season near Dawson City, which is suspected to have been caused by human activity. Since yesterday it has grown to 48 hectares from five.
Most Yukon campgrounds are open, but some are still closed due to flooding, unmelted snow and restrictions on road access.
Environment Yukon says the following campsites will be closed this weekend:
- Engineer Creek Campground
- Rock River Campground
- Ethel Lake Campground
- Yukon River Campground
- Quiet Lake (South) Campground
- Quiet Lake (North) Campground
- Aishihik Lake Campground
- Tombstone Mountain Campground (1/2 of campground will be open but trails will remain closed)
A full list is available here and campers are asked to check availability before heading out.
To report a wildfire in N.W.T. call 1-877-NWT-FIRE (1-877-698-3473). In Yukon, call 1-888-798-FIRE (3473).