Flood watch advisories issued for Teslin Lake, and Yukon River at Carmacks
Teslin Lake rising about 10 centimetres per day, and expected to continue rising over coming days

Yukon emergency officials have issued flood watch advisories for parts of the southern and central territory.
The advisories, sent Monday afternoon, say water levels in Teslin Lake and the Yukon River at Carmacks are rising and expected to continue rising over the coming days.
A flood watch means that waters are rising and that flooding of areas adjacent to lakes and streams may occur. It is associated with slightly less risk than an official flood warning.
Teslin Lake's level is currently above its 10-year "return period level" — meaning, the water is higher than its expected 10-year high, based on records. The lake is expected to exceed the 20-year return period level by Wednesday, according to officials.
"Currently, the lake is rising at approximately 10 centimetres per day and may continue to do so for several days," the advisory states.
Anthony Bier, a Yukon government hydrologist, says there may be some "small infrastructure impacts" around Teslin.
"There's a few properties that are affected now, outside of the village of Teslin. The water level still has probably a couple of feet to go before it really starts affecting homes," Bier said.
Snow pack in the Teslin area was well above average this spring, and some of that snow is still melting at higher elevations. Streams that feed Teslin Lake are still rising.

Environment Canada is also forecasting rain in the Teslin area on Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Yukon River at Carmacks, meantime, is already at its 20-year return period level, and still rising.
Monday's advisory says warm weather in recent days has caused more snow to melt at higher elevations, and there has also been rain in the area.
Still, Bier says the river would have to rise another 40 to 50 centimetres before there were any "widespread impacts."
Environment Canada is not forecasting rain for the Carmacks area over the next few days, but officials say rain in the Teslin Lake area will ultimately cause the river to further rise downstream at Carmacks. The river is expected to continue rising through the week.
"We can't really predict when it will peak, so issuing the advisory just gets that message out there that we're watching it," Bier said.
"Water levels are expected to continue increasing throughout the week," the advisory for Carmacks states.
Residents in the two flood watch areas are advised to stay away from fast-flowing rivers and potentially unstable riverbanks. Flood-prone property owners are also advised to have a plan in place in case of a flood.
With files from Mike Rudyk