Fort Providence school gets $460K to help youth in justice system
Yukon MP makes announcement in Yellowknife

The Deh Gah School in Fort Providence, N.W.T., will be receiving $460,000 in federal funding over four years towards the school's youth wellness program.
Yukon MP Ryan Leef made the announcement Monday at the federal government's Greenstone Building in Yellowknife.
The money will go toward in-class assistance, tutoring, job-skills training, as well as counselling and outdoor activities.
Christopher Carson, a program support and physical education teacher at the school, says the school also plans to hire a full-time wellness coordinator to help youth who have been in trouble with the law.
The co-ordinator's job will be to ensure the focus is kept on the physical, emotional, academic and spiritual wellness of the students.
"I've been in Fort Providence for 13 years and I've seen youth go out into custody and when they come back, they just didn't have the support they needed," he said.
"We're hoping this is going to provide them the support."
There are approximately 165 students enrolled at the Deh Gah Elementary and Secondary School. Each year the wellness program helps two or three students who have run afoul of the law.