Giant Mine bomber Roger Warren seeks day parole
Convicted of killing 9 people at Yellowknife mine in 1992 during labour dispute

Roger Warren, who was convicted of nine counts of second-degree murder in connection to the 1992 bombing at Yellowknife's Giant Mine, has applied for day parole.
Nine miners were killed when a bomb exploded underground during a labour dispute at the gold mine.
Warren was convicted in 1995 and is serving a life sentence for the murders. This is the first time he has applied for day parole despite being eligible since 2010.
Warren became eligible for full parole last year. Typically, there's an automatic full parole review when offenders are serving a life sentence.
Patrick Storey, a spokesperson for the Parole Board of Canada, said Warren waived that review last fall. He says, in his experience, offenders serving a life sentence are not granted full parole without first receiving day parole.
The Parole Board of Canada said it expects a hearing will be held in June.
Warren is serving time at a federal prison in B.C.'s Fraser Valley.