Google to map Iqaluit at street level
City is second Nunavut community to be mapped by Google Street View

Google Street View cameras will be in Iqaluit next week, taking street-level photographs for its online maps.
Arif Sayani with the city's Department of Planning and Development said he’s been helping to co-ordinate the visit.
"There will be two Google Street View cameras walking around our community recording details about our community," he said.
"They will be on backpacks of two Google staff members. In my meeting with Google staff members they said the community should go around as business as usual."
Mapping will start on Tuesday and is scheduled to take three days. Faces and licence plates are blurred in any photographs that go online.
Cambridge Bay was the first community in Nunavut to be photographed for Google Street View last August.
Google Street View has also mapped Yellowknife, Whitehorse and Inuvik.