Governor General David Johnston visits Yukon
Two Whitehorse residents receive Caring Canadian awards

Gov. Gen. David Johnston honoured two Yukoners Wednesday afternoon with Caring Canadian awards.
Johnston said the awards recognize people who regularly make volunteer contributions to their community,
"You won't necessarily see their names in the headlines, but they are the very stuff of communities that make them work well," he said.
George Green and Allen Murray received their awards at a lunch reception hosted by Yukon Commissioner Doug Phillips and deputy premier Elaine Taylor.

Green has long been a volunteer and advocate for families of children with special needs, while Murray is a promoter of early childhood education.
Johnston and his wife Sharon arrived in Whitehorse Monday evening. On Tuesday they visited the Yukon Habitat for Humanity build at the Takhini River subdivision. They then visited Haines Junction and Klukshu, a traditional fishing camp for the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations.
On Wednesday, the Governor General observed Operation Nanook exercises while Sharon Johnston visited "Bridges Café at the Ledge" at the Yukon Legislature before the afternoon award ceremony.