Health superboard will help in recruiting doctors for regions: Stanton CEO
Vacancy rates for family doctors in regions outside Yellowknife range from 48 to 100%
The amalgamation of N.W.T.'s regional health boards into one health superboard will help co-ordinate recruiting efforts, says Sue Cullen, interim CEO of the Stanton Territorial Health Authority.
The N.W.T. government continues to have a tough time finding permanent doctors for regions outside of Yellowknife, with vacancy rates for family doctors in those regions ranging from 48 to 100 per cent.

In the Dehcho region, for example, there has not been a resident doctor for at least nine years. As a result, patients in communities typically see different doctors from month to month and year to year.
Cullen says the current boards spend a lot of time passing information back and forth on recruitment issues.
"Each of the currently operating authorities has their own recruiter, so we're now spending much more time in them linking together on a regular basis to find out 'what's working for you?' and 'do you have locums that would like to work in our area?'"
She says one doctor is currently very interested in signing on as a permanent doctor in the Dehcho.
Cullen also points out that some of the regions have been served by the same visiting doctors for years.