Ice damages hull of sealift ship near Iqaluit
Two other cargo ships stuck at mouth of Frobisher Bay

Ice buildup in parts of the Eastern Arctic are causing sealifts to delay unloading their cargo, meaning people and companies expecting cargo by ship will have to wait a bit longer.
According to officials with Desgagnés Transarctik, two cargo ships are stuck at the mouth of Frobisher Bay, near Iqaluit, and even with the help of Coast Guard icebreakers they can't get through.
One ship that made it through recently, the Zelada Desgagnés, suffered significant damage to its hull. It has been anchored in Iqaluit's harbour, and will need an escort back to Montreal when the ice allows it.

Sealift companies are adjusting their delivery schedules because of the thick ice conditions.
The Zelada’s next stop was to be Pangnirtung. Inusik Nashalik of Pangnirtung said people will just have to be patient.
"I am not worried about the ice buildup, It's just common sense — even If I were to worry about it, I cannot control the weather on land or water," he said in Inuktitut.
"It is known in Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit that there would be change in weather patterns and the environment in the North, we know that. It's when it happens that we have to be aware and prepared. It's all part of adjusting."
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