How an N.W.T. woman quit drinking and stayed sober, in her own words
Funny, feisty and smart, Jasmine Hardisty of Fort Simpson, N.W.T., celebrates 15 months sober today

In small communities, drinking is a common pastime.… but drinking can also be destructive and a barrier to your goals.
Fifteen months ago, Jasmine Hardisty of Fort Simpson, N.W.T., got fed up with hangovers. She struggled to find a meaningful substitute for the booze crutch. She found it.
She spoke to CBC North's Trail's End during National Addictions Awareness Week.
When I was drinking...
"I was a mean person.To tell you the truth. Sometimes I would be easy to get along with, other times when I was drinking, I would be miserable. I wouldn't be a pleasant person, which kind of destroyed me inside because no one would want to talk to me. No one would try to talk some sense into me because I was so headstrong and so stubborn.
I just always wanted to have things my way. It was, you know, my way or the highway.

You know, when I think about it today, I was probably slowly killing myself.
Like, I don't know how I did it, but I did it.
Deciding to sober up: August 20, 2015
When I decided to quit drinking, I was at work. I remember I was drinking the night before and I was really heavily drinking til maybe 4 or 5 in the morning and then I had to go to work the next morning for 9. I made it and I stuck it out all day.
By mid afternoon I was getting sick. I was running to the bathroom. I kept telling myself, 'Why am I putting myself in these situations? I don't feel healthy.' I just wasn't happy in life.
To make things worse it was a Friday afternoon, a payday Friday, actually. I decided by 4 o'clock, I'm just done. I don't want to feel like this anymore.

Five o'clock came around and I had a couple friends approach me. 'Hey what are you doing this weekend? Let's go have some drinks! Go to the bar.'
You know what, I'm just done. I'd just like to go home and relax. Watch movies with my daughter this weekend. I'm just going home. So that's what I did.

It was a Friday. I had my Mom drive me home. I told her I was done drinking. She's been my number one supporter ever since. The next day I told her, 'I'm serious about this. Mom I want to quit drinking. I want to better my life for me and my daughter.'
She encouraged me. She said, 'You can do this.'
I went to the grocery store. I got some food for the weekend so I didn't have to leave the house again. And then the next morning I woke up and I felt like shit.
I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to do anything because of the hangover. Then I decided I can't keep doing this to myself. I can't keep putting my family into these messes because I make them and I'm being selfish about it. So I decided, you know what? Maybe this is a good opportunity to change my lifestyle.
My Mom said, 'You need to figure out what you want in life. You need to figure out your goals. Just sit down and really think about it.'
And that's what I did. And I just went from there. It took one day at a time, but it does work.

Staying sober
The first three months was definitely my hardest. Because every time I had to fill that void, and every time I got frustrated. Every time I got moody or something or nothing was going my way, I'd want to go drink. I would have to find something to fill those urges and those... demons is what I call it now.
You are definitely not alone. I quit drinking before my 30th birthday. It was hard. You know you are young. You are supposed to be going out and having the time of your life. You're supposed to be having all these fun adventures and great times, but... it slowly dies out.
I honestly picture myself, from when I used to drink, when I see pictures of myself drinking, I'm just this whole different person now. I picked up my sewing again. I've done quite a bit actually. It just keeps my mind occupied.
I sometimes chant the God serenity prayer just when I need to listen to it. I'll just say it in my head really quick. Talking to somebody helps. I've talked to a lot of people. Having a sponsor.
Just having that somebody to listen to you and talk to you. It does wonders to a person, especially when you are hiding and you're holding something inside. You need to get it out and have that trusting person you can talk to.
I'd also like to thank my mom for being my number one supporter from day one.
with files from Lawrence Nayally