At-home class comes with highs and lows
CBC Yukon's junior reporter weighs in on the first week of at-home classes

Max Zimmermann is one of CBC Yukon's junior reporters. After in-person classes were cancelled earlier this month due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Zimmermann documented his first week of at-home classes.
I have been asking myself this question since the new COVID-19 reality — do weekends even exist anymore when every day feels the same? I wake up in the morning and wonder if it is this day or that day! I guess school days and weekends are now the same thing.
This was the first week of online school for Yukon students. It was a very different experience for me because I've never done online school before. It started out very slow but throughout the week the experience rapidly gained intensity and near the end I got a glimpse of what the rest of my school year is going to look like.
There are some positives to at-home classes. I really enjoy creating my own schedule, something that I wasn't able to do at F.H. Collins. If it was really sunny in the afternoon I could go outside and finish up work later at night, which I much prefer than the standard schedule of 8:45 to 3:15.
The ability to create my own schedule also has its negatives. I found myself procrastinating and not able to get my work done. My work was piling up and I knew I had to do something about it. I decided to create a little "to-do list" which really helped me with the workload.
Watch Max Zimmermann as he takes us through his day "at school"
It is also amazing to see teachers who are willing to put themselves out there and learn by doing. Many teachers haven't done this before and are working really hard to make the experience meaningful for their students.
At the end of this first week, I feel like I am getting into a little bit of a groove. I am starting to understand the different computer programs and feeling comfortable with the new norm. I am very excited to continue with online school because it is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and unique learning experience.
I guess in the end it doesn't really matter if it is a school day or a weekend!