Location sought for Whitehorse outdoor soccer complex
Yukon Soccer Association needs 6 to 7 hectares of land for facility

The Yukon Soccer Association is still looking for the right site in Whitehorse to build a new outdoor complex.
The facility would feature grass and artificial turf fields, an eight-lane running track and room for other sport facilities.
The Yukon Government is putting up $250,000 for surveying, engineering design and construction cost estimates of the complex.
"We require roughly six to seven hectares," said Tony Gaw, who speaks for the Yukon Soccer Association. "It's really hard to find to a piece of land that's got that much space available, so until we find a piece of land that's suitable for the site, we won't be spending any of that money."
Gaw says sites being considered include Whistle Bend, the south access road near Robert Service Park, Mount McIntyre and the former tank farm land above Hillcrest.
Gaw says it will be at least two years before the complex is ready for play.