Mountain biker nearly shot by stray bullet on trail near Whitehorse
RCMP searching for man suspected of carelessly using a firearm

Whitehorse RCMP are asking for the public's help in finding a man suspected of carelessly shooting a firearm on Mount McIntyre.
According to a news release from RCMP on Thursday, a mountain biker was using the Blown Away trail at the top of the mount when he "encountered a close call with a bullet reportedly fired by an older man who was sighting his rifle in the area."
This incident reportedly happened on July 16.
According to police, the suspect is "fairly tall," 200 to 220 lbs., between 60 and 70 years old, with grey hair and was driving a grey Ford pick-up truck.
Police are warning hikers and cyclists to use extreme caution and report suspicious activity to the RCMP.
"This trail is heavily used by the mountain biking and hiking community," states the release. "This type of activity poses a serious safety concern for trail users."
Anyone with information is asked to contact Whitehorse RCMP.