N.W.T. reports 5 new cases of COVID-19 in Yellowknife area
The N.W.T. is reporting 5 new cases of COVID-19 in the Yellowknife area. The case count in the territory now stands at 23, compared to 18 on Wednesday.
Case count in territory moves from 18 to 23

The N.W.T. Office of the Chief Public Health Officer is reporting five new cases of COVID-19 in the Yellowknife area Thursday.
There are now six active cases in the N.W.T.'s capital area compared to one yesterday.
The only other community in the territory in which there are active COVID-19 cases is Tuktoyaktuk, where there are 17, according to the OCPHO, the same as on Wednesday.
The total number of cases across the N.W.T. now stands at 23, compared to 18 yesterday.
On Wednesday, the OCPHO released a public exposure notice for Mildred Hall School in Yellowknife where two COVID-19 cases were confirmed. No update to the situation there was provided Thursday.