N.W.T. elder's chief bid barred over language rule
Joseph Blondin appealing rule that says all Deline, N.W.T., chief candidates must speak the Slavey language

A Deline, N.W.T., elder’s nomination to be the community’s chief has been revoked.
The band office said the reason is that Joseph Blondin does not speak Slavey, the region’s aboriginal language.
"One of the criteria that they implemented for the Deline First Nation is that they have to speak Slavey because of the communication with our elders," said Paulina Roche, the band manager.
Blondin maintains that he understands the language, and he said he thinks he is fluent enough to be chief.
He also said it is unconstitutional for the band to not let him run. He said there will be an investigation into his complaint within the coming weeks.
Blondin’s name is still in the running to be councillor – the language rule does not apply to those positions.
Blondin served as a band councillor in the community before, and he also served as a land claims negotiator in the 1980s.
The election for Deline’s chief and council will happen on May 7 and May 10.