N.W.T. health superboard legislation to be introduced next week
Minister Glen Abernethy says changes will streamline services, give regions more say on territorial programs

The N.W.T.'s Minister of Health and Social Services says he'll be introducing legislation next week to blend the territory's eight health authorities into one.
Glen Abernethy says the change will streamline the territory's healthcare system, making delivery of services more efficient by standardizing rules, policies, and clinical practice across the territory.
"it's about coming together to have an integrated collaborative service for 43,000 people," he said, "to make sure they get the best care they can regardless of where they live.
"It doesn't mean that every service will be delivered in every community, but every resident will have access to the services in a streamlined, non-complicated way."
The government released a discussion paper on the idea of a health superboard in August of last year, seeking feedback from residents on the proposed changes. Abernethy says 360 people provided responses in an online survey.
The current system has six regional Health and Social Services Authorities, one regional community services agency, and one territorial hospital authority.
Abernethy says the changes shouldn't cause anyone to lose their job, though some titles might change, and that the change will give regional bodies more say on territorial programs like medical travel and services offered at Stanton Territorial Hospital.
A proposal aimed at amalgamating the territory's health, education, and school boards was shot down in 2008.