N.W.T. MLAs join call for federal audit of Nutrition North
Nunavut MLAs made same call last month
MLAs in the Northwest Territories are calling for a federal audit of the Nutrition North Canada program.
Sahtu MLA Norman Yakeleya brought the motion forward on Friday. He says in the three years since the federal government announced the food mail program was changing to Nutrition North, it's been harder for people in the communities to get subsidized food.

He says it's time the federal government paid attention.
"You've got the Nunavut government, now our government of the N.W.T., the Yukon government, telling the government something is wrong. I think that should be a strong signal there's something wrong with the program," he said.
N.W.T. Health Minister Tom Beaulieu agreed that communities need to be able to access affordable food. The motion passed unanimously.
Several Nunavut MLAs made a similar motion last month.