N.W.T. ready to host unwelcome pipelines: Industry Minister
David Ramsay says moving oil north from Alberta — rather than south or west — makes a lot of sense
Politicians in the Northwest Territories say they are ready to host oil pipelines that are unwelcome in B.C. or the United States.

Northwest Territories Industry Minister David Ramsay is in Whistler this week for the Pacific Northwest Economic Region summit and he says moving oil north from Alberta — rather than south or west — makes a lot of sense.
Ramsay says pumping oil through the N.W.T. could also benefit the Trans-Alaska pipeline system which is currently at about 25 per cent of capacity.
Pipeline issues are a major focus at the high-powered summit — with Gary Doer, Canada's ambassador to the U-S, telling delegates that scientific evidence supports the Keystone X-L pipeline from Alberta to Nebraska, despite strong opposition south of the border.