N.W.T. seniors in public housing units to pay rent

Seniors in the Northwest Territories who live in public housing do not pay rent, but that’s going to change starting July 1.
The territory’s housing corporation announced a new rent scale. Under the simplified formula, seniors’ rents will be calculated like everyone else’s, based on household income.
The only break they will get will be that $1,000 of their monthly income will be exempt from the calculation.
Even with the exemption, all seniors will pay a minimum of $70 to $80 per month, depending on where they live.
The NWT Housing Corporation said the change will result in rent increases of $100 or more for seniors in 35 units across the territory.
The territorial government said that because the federal government is cutting housing money, it can no longer afford to provide seniors with free housing.
In the territory overall, the corporation said the new rent scale formula will result in rent decreases of $100 or more for 675 households, and increases for 260.