New faces in key northern positions selected for Trudeau cabinet
No cabinet positions for N.W.T. or Yukon's Liberal MPs

In a ceremony Wednesday at Rideau Hall in Ottawa, Primer Minster Justin Trudeau named his new cabinet.
N.W.T. Liberal MP Michael McLeod and Yukon Liberal MP Larry Bagnell did not receive a cabinet post, but northerners will see new faces in some key portfolios affecting their regions.
Carolyn Bennett retains her status as minister of Crown-Indigenous relations.
Marc Miller was sworn in as Indigenous services minister. Miller is a Quebec Liberal MP representing the Montreal riding of Ville-Marie-Le Sud-Ouest-Ile-des-Soeurs. He has experience in Indigenous affairs: Miller was named parliamentary Secretary to the minister of Crown-Indigenous relations in August 2018.
Miller has made headlines for speeches he delivered in Kanien'kéha (Mohawk), most recently on the Indigenous Languages Act.
Dan Vandal, MP for the Winnipeg riding of Saint Boniface-Saint Vital, was named minister of northern affairs. He was first elected to Parliament in 2015. Vandal, who is Métis, was named parliamentary secretary to the minister of Indigenous services in 2018.
Former environment minister MP Catherine McKenna was named minister of infrastructure and communities.
Jonathan Wilkinson, former minister of fisheries, oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard was named minister of environment and climate change. Wilkinson will be responsible for developing Canada's climate change strategy.
Mélanie Joly, former minister of of tourism, official languages, and francophonie was named minister of economic development and official languages.