Yellowknife woman turns hobby into award winning art
Lise Fortin’s painting ‘Dog Beach’ will be featured on cover of this year’s Northwestel directory

Lise Fortin considers herself a beginner painter.
"It's a great hobby," said the Yellowknife artist.
On Thursday, Northwestel announced she has won this year's Northwestel Directory Cover Contest. Her painting, 'Dog Beach,' will be featured on the cover of this year's phone book, which is distributed across the North.
This isn't the first time Fortin has submitted a piece to the contest, but it the first time she's won anything with her art.
"It's a great experience," she said.
"Northwestel is amazing to give artists in the territories such a chance to be known to be seen — it's fantastic."
For more than 30 years, the company has run an annual contest for northern artists to be featured on the front cover of its phone directory. According to a news release, the winners are selected by a committee within Northwestel, in consultation with members of the northern arts community.

In addition to the notoriety, the winner receives $3,000.
Fortin isn't sure what she'll spend the money on, but she admitted more paint supplies would be a good idea.
"That is definitely a priority," she said.
Northwestel president Curtis Shaw lauded Fortin's painting as an example of "what makes the North so special."
"It takes an unassuming location, like an off-leash dog park near the airport and then shows just how beautiful our Northern surroundings are — even in places we visit every day," he stated in a news release.
A trip to Dog Beach
Fortin's painting, done in acrylic, is inspired by trips to Long Lake in Yellowknife with her dog, Marlee.
The pair regularly visit Dog Beach, a popular off-leash area, especially in the summer.
"It's lovely, just a beautiful area," she said, describing how the tranquility of the water, sky, birds and other animals make her want to paint.
For Marlee, the beach provides a different type of inspiration.
"She loves running around," she said.
"She's a dog so — going in the water, meeting other dogs."
A relaxing hobby
Fortin started developing her painting about seven years ago, when she found she had more time on her hands.
Her children had reached adulthood, and had their own children, so she decided to dabble in a new hobby.
"It came naturally," she said.
"I had an inclination to try something like that … I just tried it and just loved it. It's very relaxing."
Now, Fortin keeps busy painting for her family, including a piece for her niece, who is has just gotten married.
- With files from Lawrence Nayally