NorthwesTel installs cable across Deh Cho bridge
Company says fixed link should improve internet speeds to Yellowknife

NorthwesTel says internet customers in N.W.T.’s North Slave region should be noticing faster service with the completion of a new fibre optic cable across the Deh Cho bridge.
Though the bridge is not yet open to vehicle traffic, the telecommunications company recently finished installing the cable. It says it will improve internet speed, especially during peak periods, to Yellowknife, Dettah, Behchoko and Fort Providence.
Previously the company used microwave signals to send data across the Mackenzie River. Emily Younker, a spokesperson for NorthwesTel, said the physical link will be able to handle heavier internet traffic.
"What residents of Yellowknife and the surrounding areas should immediately begin to notice is that, particularly during peak usage times for internet — coming home from work, everybody's trying to check email or maybe watch some videos at the same time — residents should begin to notice immediately more reliable internet. Video arrives faster, it plays smoother."
The entire project to connect Yellowknife to Edmonton by cable cost $18 million, but Younker said the improved service is not expected to cost customers any more money.