Nunavut liquor task force calls for bootlegging crackdown
Report recommends beer and wine outlets while restricting access to hard liquor

The Nunavut Liquor Task Force is recommending a significant overhaul of the territory's liquor act.
Keith Peterson, the minister responsible for the Nunavut Liquor Commission, tabled the task force’s report in the legislative assembly on Friday.
The review of the liquor act began in March 2009. The task force held community consultations across Nunavut, wrapping up in 2011.
The 195-page report called "Halting the Harm" has more than 50 recommendations, including cracking down on bootlegging, and liberalizing access to beer and wine while restricting access to hard liquor.
It suggests government-run beer and wine outlets, where communities have approved them.
The task force also wants to see more education and more treatment for alcohol abuse and is calling for more power for alcohol education committees.