Nunavut MLA questions use of casual employment contracts
Says not enough Inuit on contract are being transitioned to full-time jobs
On Friday, Iqaluit-Tasiluk MLA George Hickes questioned whether enough Inuit are being hired in full-time jobs in the Nunavut government, one of the territory's biggest employers.
Hickes says his constituents are concerned there's an inappropriate extension and re-extension of casual employment contracts, and want to know why full-time jobs aren't being posted.

"I believe when used properly, casual hiring can help to identify promising beneficiary employees who can be mentored into full-time jobs," he said.
In December 2012, beneficiaries filled just over 1,100 or 72 percent of casual positions across all Nunavut departments and corporations, but only only half of full-time jobs.
Hickes wants to know what the finance department is doing to make improvements.
Keith Peterson, Nunavut's finance minister, said he's been asking that question for the last 10 months and admits there are problems.
"We said people would be hired, promoted based on merit," he said. "Nepotism is something that we don't condone."
Peterson said the government wants to encourage Nunavummiut to work for the government and make sure they are treated fairly and respectfully.