Nunavut Wildlife Management Board calls for full caribou protection
'Includes the prohibition of industrial activities, including mineral, oil and gas exploration,' NWMB

The Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB) has released a statement calling for full area protection for caribou calving and post-calving grounds in the territory.
"Full area protection includes the prohibition of industrial activities, including mineral, oil and gas exploration and development, construction of transportation infrastructure and related activities," states the NWMB media release.
The NWMB is a public institution established in accordance with the territory's land claims agreement. It acts as the main tool for wildlife management in the territory, and its board includes members appointed by regional Inuit associations, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, and the federal and territorial governments.
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The statement follows a recent position change from the Government of Nunavut that could open the door for development on caribou calving grounds.
In the statement, the NWMB affirms that "it is not against responsible industrial development.
"However the Board is of the view that there must be appropriate balance between development and protection of wildlife and wildlife habitat."
The NWMB initially took the position in its May 2014 submission to the Nunavut Planning Commission on the draft Nunavut Land Use Plan.
The Board is mandated under Article 5 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement to secure the conservation of wildlife.