As Omicron variant cases rise in Canada, N.W.T. asks travellers to take precautions
Residents asked to take series of extra precautions for 72 hours after returning from travel outside N.W.T.

The government of the Northwest Territories is asking travellers to take extra care this winter as COVID-19 variant cases rise throughout the country.
According to N.W.T. chief public health officer, Dr. Kami Kandola, COVID-19 risk in the territory has "shifted from community spread to risk associated with COVID-19 importation from travel."
Health officials have been tracing new COVID-19 infections linked to travelers returning from trips outside the N.W.T.
Kandola is particularly concerned about travellers bringing cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 to the territory.
"Severity of Omicron infections is uncertain, but the sheer number of people getting infected can risk the capacity of our health care system," said Kandola.
The government is currently asking residents returning from travel outside the territory to be "extremely diligent" in monitoring their health for signs of COVID-19, especially in the first three days after they come back.
In that 72-hour period, returning travellers are asked to avoid high-risk activities and large gatherings, limit contacts outside their household and wear a mask around others.
Leaving the territory
Some outgoing travellers will also be navigating extra public health measures this winter.
While the Canadian government has mandated vaccines for air and rail travel within the country for nearly all people of eligible age as of Oct. 30, 2021, there are also some "temporary accommodations" for unvaccinated people from remote communities.
Travellers who are not fully vaccinated and who are leaving from a remote community do not have to take a COVID-19 test before they leave, unless their community has that testing capacity.
However, those travellers are asked to check their local airport and air carrier's individual requirements in advance.
After getting to a "gateway airport," like Yellowknife Airport, for people arriving from remote communities in the N.W.T., travellers will get a free COVID-19 test kit. If they test negative, they will be allowed to continue on their trip. Anyone who tests positive will not be allowed to travel by plane, and will have to coordinate with the local public health office.
The Canadian government suggests going to the airport "at least an hour early" to leave enough time for the rapid tests.
People travelling by air ambulance or medevac for an emergency are exempt from the vaccination or testing requirements.