N.W.T. reports 15th COVID-19 death as active cases decrease
1 new hospitlization and 1 new I.C.U admission since Friday

There's been another COVID-related death in the Northwest Territories, the third in the territory since the Omicron outbreak began.
The Office of the Chief Public Health Officer (OCPHO) released the information on its COVID-19 online dashboard Monday evening.
That brings the number of COVID-19-related deaths in the N.W.T. to 15.
There's also been another hospitalization, and another intensive care unit admission since the government last released COVID-19 data on Jan. 21.
Health officials reported 973 active cases in the N.W.T. Monday, down by 61 since Friday.
New outbreak sites
The territorial government also announced two new outbreak sites at childcare facilities.
One in Fort Smith, at the recreation and community centre daycare, between 8:00 a.m and 5:00 p.m. on Jan. 20 and Jan. 21.
The other is at the Montessori Centre in Yellowknife on Jan. 20 and 21.
The OCPHO is asking anyone who was at either of those locations since the dates mentioned to self-monitor. If symptoms develop, they must self-isolate immediately and either take an at-home test or get tested at a testing site.
Any one testing positive with an at-home kit is asked to notify ProtectNWT.