More than 2,000 X-rays, ultrasounds from Stanton Hospital to get 2nd look
Work of radiologist who interpreted scans questioned in B.C.

More than 2,000 X-rays, ultrasounds, mammograms and CT scans taken at Stanton Territorial Hospital are being reviewed after quality concerns were raised in B.C. about the work of the doctor who interpreted them.
In a news release, the N.W.T. Health and Social Services Authority says the concerns raised in B.C. were about "inaccuracies in the interpretation of diagnostic imaging examinations and the possibility of missed or inaccurate diagnoses" by a radiologist.
It says the health authority became aware of the concerns through a media report.
Stanton Territorial Hospital employed the same radiologist on a temporary basis from Dec. 19, 2015 to Jan. 23, 2016, and from May 8-14, 2016.

The health authority says it will review 2,355 diagnostic imaging tests from 1,491 patients and is looking to hire a southern radiologist service to do the review.
It said the review does not mean that all of the original readings are inaccurate or incomplete, or that a discrepancy necessarily affected patient diagnosis and care.
"We are taking proactive steps to determine whether the care of any N.W.T. clients was impacted by the practice of this radiologist, and are dedicating resources to have this question answered as soon as possible," said Sue Cullen, CEO of the health authority, in the release.
The health authority says anyone who has had an exam where an error is discovered in the report will be contacted.