N.W.T. gov't announces intention to develop homelessness strategic plan
Plan will seek to integrate department actions to combat homelessness, suggest 5- to 10-year goals

The Northwest Territories government has announced plans to create a homelessness strategic plan, and it's looking for a contractor to lead the effort.
In a news release issued on Wednesday, the territorial government said it's seeking a contractor "to conduct an assessment and scan of all GNWT homelessness initiatives as well as to develop an overarching homelessness strategic plan."
The goal of the strategic plan is to integrate the initiatives currently underway by multiple government departments, including health and social services, education, culture and employment, justice, and the territory's housing corporation.
"There is an opportunity to improve program and policy alignment among all GNWT homelessness initiatives," the release reads.
"While individual departments will continue to operate separate programs, what this RFP [request for proposals] aims to do is to have all homelessness programs and resources working together in an integrated approach under one strategic plan."
According to the release, the contractor's final report will recommend targets and outcomes "for the GNWT to strive towards over a five- to 10-year period."
That time frame would line up with a $113-million, 10-year plan approved by the City of Yellowknife last year.
Though homelessness is most prevalent in Yellowknife — the territory's capital — many communities, including Behchoko and Fort Providence, have sought support from the territorial government in recent years for their own initiatives to curb homelessness.
- N.W.T. gov't underestimates homelessness in smaller communities, says Fort Providence group
- Survey results put a face on homelessness in Behchoko
The government's news release did not put a timeline on the request for proposals or the expected delivery of the strategic plan.