Lost your job or financially tight? NWT Housing Corp. offers extra time to pay rent
Details regarding how much extra time renters can get is still being decided

People in the Northwest Territories in public housing will have extra time to pay their rent in light of the financial challenges many are facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Northwest Territories Housing Corporation says people currently in public housing are being given the chance to delay their rental payments until a "later date," a spokesperson for the territorial government told CBC News.
Details regarding how much extra time renters will be given are still being decided.
How much a person pays for public housing in the Northwest Territories is based on how much income they earn. If a tenant is laid-off or unable to work, the amount of rent they owe will be adjusted, the corporation says.
The housing corporation says local housing organizations, which are located in almost every community in the territory, will be releasing more information on rental changes in the coming days.