N.W.T. RCMP see major increase in impaired driving charges during road safety week
11 people charged with impaired driving, compared with average of 5 in previous years

The RCMP were out in full force across the Northwest Territories during road safety week, and say they saw a "significant increase in charges and infractions."
In a news release, the RCMP say they checked more than 1,800 vehicles throughout the territory between May 15 and 22, resulting in 10 people being charged with impaired driving, and one person being charged with impaired driving causing death, after a fatal accident on the Ingraham Trail on Sunday.
On average during road safety week over the last few years, RCMP say they normally charge five people.
"It is very discouraging and disheartening to see the numbers from this year's campaign," Cpl. Todd Scaplen said in the news release.
"And [to] know that there are people who still are not getting the message that impaired driving is not acceptable, is preventable and can end tragically."
Officers also laid charges for more than 100 infractions, including tickets for speeding, distracted driving, and not wearing seatbelts.