N.W.T. offers 2nd COVID-19 booster to those 60+
Previously, 4th doses were only available to those 12+ who are immunocompromised

N.W.T. residents who are 60 or older can now get a second booster of a COVID-19 vaccine.
Previously, the second booster — or fourth dose — was only available for people 12 and older who are immunocompromised.
Public health officials made the announcement Thursday, saying "booster doses increase protection against infection and severe disease."
The second booster is for people who had their previous booster at least six months ago.
People who have had COVID-19 before their first or second dose of a vaccine may still get their next dose eight weeks after symptoms started, or after testing positive, whether or not they tested positive.
Anyone who got COVID-19 after their second dose can get a booster dose three months after symptoms started or testing positive, as long as it's been at least six months since their second dose.
The news release notes it's still important to get vaccinated, even after infection.
Yellowknifers can book appointments online.
Elsewhere, people must contact their local health centre or public health office.