Old Crow, Yukon, hopes for winter road this year
Residents of Old Crow, Yukon, hope a winter road will be able to be built this winter to help a number of community construction projects along.
Old Crow is the northernmost community in Yukon, and the territory’s only community that does not have road access.

The last time the town was connected to a winter road was in 2004. Plans for a winter road last year were cancelled when there wasn't enough snow.
Over the next few years, Old Crow is planning a store, a new arena, community hall and daycare complex as well as new systems for fuel delivery and the removal of e-waste.
Joe Linklater, chief of the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, says the projects are good for the Yukon economy.
"All we're trying to do is maintain our lifestyle but also contribute to the overall economic benefits of the Yukon," he said.
Linklater says no roads means much slower projects. Without a winter road, the community will have to fly the materials in using Hercules airplanes, which is more expensive and time-consuming.
"Our community started as a fish camp and it built and built and built and we have to continue on that trajectory and try to adapt to the environment as it is."