Op Nanook 2014 holds community day in Iqaluit
The Canadian Armed Forces is holding a community day show-and-tell and barbecue in Iqaluit Saturday.
The event is part of Operation Nanook, a 10-day military exercise based in Iqaluit involving 800 military personnel.

Lt.-Col. Deanna Manson, Task Force Commanding Officer for Operation Nanook 2014, says the day is a chance to show off the military's capabilities, and is also an opportunity to interact with and give back to the host community.
Canadian Armed Forces parachute team The Skyhawks are scheduled to jump over the site.
"There are going to be some aircraft at the location and the Skyhawks will be participating in the day," said Manson.
"Weather dependent, the Skyhawks will do their display, and we'll see some other features from the Army, Navy and Air Force representatives on the ground for Operation Nanook."
The event at Nakasuk school runs from from 10:30 a.m. until 3 p.m., with the barbecue starting at noon.
Environment Canada is calling for a mix of sun and cloud with a chance of rain which may cancel the Skyhawks' parachute jump.
Operation Nanook runs Aug. 20 to 29.