Parents of Yukon girl killed by soccer goal sue government
The family of the girl killed by a soccer goal in Watson Lake, Yukon, last summer is suing the territorial government.
Lawsuit says indoor soccer nets were never intended for outdoor use
The family of the girl killed by a soccer goal in Watson Lake, Yukon, last summer is suing the territorial government.

Jaedyn Amann, 5, died from head injuries after being struck on the head by the soccer goal on the field at Watson Lake Secondary School. The goal collapsed while she was crawling on the grass nearby.
A coroner’s report on the girl’s death said the goal frame, which weighed 80 kilograms, was found to be in poor condition with rusting joints and missing screws.
The lawsuit was filed in Yukon Supreme Court this week on behalf of her father, Paul Amann, and her mother, Tara Hicks.
They allege the Yukon Government Department of Education is to blame because the indoor soccer nets were never intended for outdoor use.