Public housing unit infested with mice, says family in Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T.
'We tell them [housing officials] and all they say is, 'nothing we can do but give you molasses'

A family living in a public housing unit in Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T., says they've been dealing with an infestation of mice for years, and they've received little help from Housing N.W.T.
Noah Gruben said his family of three had to kill a dozen mice inside their home last year and the droppings and mouse sightings are causing stress for him and his partner.
Gruben said he's also been frustrated when he's gone to the housing office for help.
"We tell them and all they say is, 'Nothing we can do but give you molasses,'" he said.
The molasses is used to trap the rodents, along with traditional mousetraps inside the house.
Gruben said his family moved into the unit in 2010 and the mice started to become a problem in 2012.
"Every year we get mice, end of spring or late fall," said Gruben.

A representative from Housing N.W.T. told CBC News they can't comment on individual cases. Instead, they sent an outline for how the corporation deals with rodent infestations.
It says there are three stages of action when they receive complaints of mice: investigation, extermination, and follow-up.
Gruben said he wasn't home last month when housing officials came to inspect his home as part of their investigation.
Years ago, Gruben said he got a cat for his family but the housing authority told them the pet was not allowed to stay in the unit. The cat was instead given to relatives. He said after the investigation of his home last month, officials told the family to bring their cat home for a month to deal with the mice.

"They're running around, we're finding their scat all over," Gruben said. "We had to throw out a couple of beds because they were loaded with mouse poop all over."
Gruben said he's been woken at night by a mouse crawling on his head. He said his partner has also woken up to find mice crawling on her leg. Gruben hopes the problem will be dealt with soon.
"It's stressful. We've had to stay out of the house a few times, too much poop all over," he said. "I don't know, I hope it gets sorted out. It's too much to deal with."
- An earlier version of this story mistakenly referred to Noah Gruben as Norman Gruben.Jan 15, 2025 1:17 PM EST