Sophie the 19-year-old python missing from Yellowknife school
Teacher is worried the snake may die from the stress of the ordeal

A Yellowknife teacher said a nearly-metre-long python was stolen from Mildred Hall School in Yellowknife over the long weekend, and she's worried it may die from the stress of the ordeal.
Kim Black said that Sophie, the 19-year-old snake, meant a lot to her Grade 7 and 8 students.
"They love her. They all held her," Black said.
"She has been a centrepiece for most of our projects. They have followed her through the different cycles in her life."
Black said she was preparing to feed Sophie a live mouse on Tuesday when she noticed the snake was missing. She said the cage was closed and looked "undisturbed."
"The snake had been taken from the cage," Black said, adding that Sophie had never escaped before.
Students 'shocked'
Her students are in disbelief.
"When I first told them, they were shocked. They thought I was joking with them," she said.
The school posted the alleged theft on Facebook.
"We are hoping that someone may know someone who knows someone," Black said.
"Or if someone is looking for a way to bring her back, then we can give them that out."
Black said Sophie likes confined spaces, and can be returned to the school, or a district office, in a small cardboard box.

Principal Katey Simmons said Mildred Hall School has been broken into about three or four times each year. She said a new security camera system is being installed this week.
A stolen snowmobile was returned to the school last year, after the issue was taken to social media. Both Simmons and Black are hopeful the snake will be returned soon.
Sophie was on a one-year loan to the school from Sir John Franklin High School.